Disciplinary / Investigation Meeting

If you have been requested to attend a disciplinary or investigation meeting, you should contact us immediately.

Quite often a disciplinary meeting can result in you losing your job. Particularly if it says so in the letter you have received from your employer. If this is a risk you should consider to get legal advice as soon as possible. 

We can arrange an employment law advocate to assist you either by telephone or attending in person meetings on your behalf.

A disciplinary meeting is a formal meeting between an employer and an employee that forms part of an investigation into employee conduct. 

Both sides are entitled to representation and will have the opportunity to discuss the issue being investigated before a decision is made by the employer about what, if any, disciplinary action will be taken.  

Being called to a disciplinary meeting or investigation meeting at work can be a very stressful and intimidating experience. 

Before attending a disciplinary meeting or investigation meeting, you should:

  • Seek legal advice. We also strongly urge you to take an employment advocate or lawyer with you to the meeting.

  • Be sure to have all the right information on hand and prepare your responses before the meeting.

Don’t underestimate the consequences of this meeting. Many people think that what their employer is accusing them of isn’t that bad and get a nasty surprise when they are dismissed over it.

Your employer should invite you to attend a disciplinary meeting or investigation meeting in writing. In this letter they should have told you that you have the right to bring a support person or legal representative. This can include an employment advocate or lawyer. 

The employer should inform you of precisely what the allegations are being made against you. They should have also told you what the worst outcome may be for you.